Unfortunately, we’re wasting tens of billions of dollars on ineffective treatments and surgical procedures for heart disease in the U.S. Among them are statin drugs to lower cholesterol.

While these drugs may decrease the frequency of mild heart attacks, they will not necessarily lower your risk of heart disease or death from a major heart attack because of the damage they cause to your muscles, including your heart muscle.

Importantly, statins deplete your body of CoQ10, vitamin K2, dolichol and selenium, thereby threatening your heart and overall health even further. Statins’ ability to lower the risk of minor heart attacks may actually be related to their ability to lower C-reactive protein, far more so than the lowering of cholesterol.

However, according to Dr. Duane Graveline, who himself was a victim of statin side effects and ultimately died from complications related to statin use, you only need one-tenth of the dosage, say 2 milligrams (mg) rather than 20 mg to get this anti-inflammatory benefit, and there are far safer and more effective ways to lower inflammation than taking a statin, even at a low dosage.

Article From: https://articles.mercola.com